Thursday, September 26, 2013

Up Close and Personal

Since our theme was Up Close and Personal, I tried to find things that were personal to me that I could draw up close. At first I wanted to draw the Apex high school marching band fedora, but I realized I wouldn't be able to incorporate color into it since the hat is just black and white. Then I decided I should do a sea animal since most of them tend to be fairly large. I went with an Orca whale since they are one of my favorite sea animals. I showed emphasis in my work by making the Orca whale really big in comparison to the fish and the rocks. The medium I chose was colored pencils. I chose them because I wanted the whale to look smooth since it's a hairless animal, and I had already used charcoal in my last project. I didn't take any risks with this project. If I had chosen oil pastels, I might have used water color for the water in the background.

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